Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Sunday Report aka Day 4? I think!

Today started off slow and never really picked up speed. Finished off a task on Hay Day, read a little and then made waffles for breakfast. March is the month that Mr. Me and I seem to accomplish very little, specially on weekends. Today consisted of walking the dog, knitting, and watching movies - 5 ... 5 movies! That’s a lot of sitting. I was productive while sitting, I worked at the shawl I’m knitting. I’m finished 160 rows of 370 or 390. I can’t remember at the moment. I still have a long ways to go. 83 stitched on the needle and 97 is required before I begin the decrease down to 5!! 

I did lay out the paper piecing square that I’m done. 

This next square goes in between dream and stitch. 

Hope you both had a relaxing Sunday! 


  1. That's a lot of knitting. Very impressive. I love your yarn holder, very clever. The paper piecing is definitely coming along. I'll be interested on Friday to see how many spaces have been filled in. It's a weekday, so it's time to get productive!

  2. You have been more productive than me. I did get some cleaning and organizing done. I figured out Her's angel wings, so progress has been made.
