Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Monday Fun Day

Hey all ... today consisted of walking the dog over and over and over again. In between walking the dog, I was able to be productive. I managed to get a few towns of knitting and three more squares done! 

I just realized I sewed these squares together incorrectly. Gotta fix that! 

A few squares to go. Hope to get this done this week. 

I managed to make artisan bread. It turned out great. Super easy, too!! 

I’ve been up since 4:30 am. My hand keeps falling asleep and it’s so painful. Mr Me made me breakfast and delivered it to the sewing room. I think I’ll keep him ❤️

Here are the next two squares I’m going to attempt. 

Todo list
*Order a couple of backs for two t-shirt quilts
*Design a double sided quilt
*Nap - this is the only important one

Happy Tuesday


  1. Wow, you've been super productive. My update will be a little slow in coming. I'm having the kind of morning where I put the pod in my coffeemaker, pressed the button and walked away. What I did forget to do was put a cup under the spout, coffee everywhere.☕️

  2. I too was up at 4am. I already have napped, read and not been productive at all.
