Saturday, March 21, 2020

Productivity report 2

 Good morning,
   Did you know today is Saturday? I thought it was Sunday, I've already lost my place in time and space.  I also feel like these posts should have a star date, something like," Her's report stardate 2."  See, I'm already getting punchy.  Yesterday, I tried to be zen and did mindful colouring for a couple of hours. I made patterns of three colours at a time.
Making patterns can be quite relaxing.
I also bound the blue scrappy quilt.  If it had a name it would be the Matt Pick quilt, because two of the prints look like they would be western shirts he would wear.
Loving the updates, keep them up. They're keeping me sane.👏

1 comment:

  1. Good name for the quit! I do love patterns and tend to colour in that way. I like the star date idea! Pandemic Date 2!
