Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Self Binding Blankets

I love making these blankets. They are super easy, until they aren’t!! Here are a couple I made a while ago - hence the fold lines 🤣

So here’s where thes self bonding blankets don’t go so well!! I found these cute fat quarters at WalMart.  I don’t normally have a lot of boy material on hand. Something I need to work on. 

It turned out so cute however, I couldn’t get the self binding concept to work. 

It didn’t matter what I did, the binding would not lay flat. So, I started to google ideas to fix it. While doing this, I came across a bow tie corner. Looked cute and pretty easy. So I gave it a go - once! How does that look like a bow tie? 

I ended up folding over the binding and stitching it down. It turned out alright! 

I love the zigzag stitch. It just added to the edge!! 

I will try to do this again because it has worked in the past. I’ve used it about 10 times with great success. I’m not sure what happened this time. 

Happy Creating ladies! 

PS The baby blanket is going to a brand new baby boy!! 


  1. I really like the corners on that last blanket

  2. I totally get it not working. I like these a lot but I can only do it with guidance from Me.
