Tuesday, February 25, 2020

2019 projects that didn't get posted

Here are a few of the projects that I can find pics for that I completed in 2019. 

 This is a paint by number that I did for a friend's little girls room.

 These are 2 of 4 hot mats that were made from old placemats.

 Felt snowman ornaments with noses that light up.

 Another felt kit, that took a lot longer than anticipated because of all the sequins.

 This embroidery project, came as just a print. All color choices and stitching was up to me.  Of course the OCD tendencies came through and I had to plan it out completely before starting.

This is a felt wreath that was completed with and for my friend.

These felt Christmas ornaments are cute, but not fun to make. It is a pattern that I may pretend to lose.


  1. Love all of these. I laughed probably too much about your loosing the pattern comment. I've been there.

  2. I, too, laughed about you losing the pattern!! I have a few of those here - or I use to!! That wreath looks fantastic!! Love the update.
