I’m not sure what it was with these jeans but I couldn’t get them to lay flat. Too much stretch in them.
I did some stitch in the ditch quilting in this one. You can hardly see the navy thread I used in the back.
Happy Sewing
This is how we keep up with each other and the projects we work on. Her is the one who doesn't pin and quilts her way! The Crafter, who won't crochet, is a painter, a stitcher and has a few more talents up her sleeve. Me is the quilter that pins, irons and measures twice!!!
Only two more shades of yellow to finish the outside. Then a change of painting techniques. Right now I am going color by color, but I think it will change to completing a section at a time.
My dad constructed me a tabletop easel, I was going to buy one. He said he could make one, which helps with my back and I can paint for longer.