Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Something Found Pandemic day 4 or 5 or ??

I was searching through my scrap bin yesterday, looking for a piece of material big enough, when I got stabbed by a pin. Who keeps a pin in their scrap bin?? This is what I pinned together:

I know what I was trying to make. I drew out this pattern from a picture like this: 

Obviously, another item to add to my to-do list!! Wonder if I have some of that material left? I’m sure I do. The Crafter need to come visit so she can whip my sewing room into shape! I have got a good start on things but I’ll know it would be easier with help. Maybe more fun with help, too! 

Yesterday was a little different than normal. Mr. Me didn’t go into work until noon. They are doing a split shift for the time being. It was good to have him home in the morning. He took the dog for a good walk and worked on catching up paper work. I fixed the two squares that I sewed together wrong the other day. It looks much better now! 

I complete the leaf square. Her, you will be so proud of me. The only planning I did with the colours was making sure they were the right size. 

I didn’t get as far on the create block. 

I went out for a walk with the dog, like usual. It was so windy and cold. When walking, I try to listen to something productive. I received Marie Forleo’s book for Christmas but haven’t started to read it yet. I do enjoy listening to her podcast. My favourite guru is Gabrielle Bernstein and she was a guest on this podcast. I didn’t learn anything new but it was good to hear their messages again.

5 more squares to go! I may get this too done this week!! Can’t wait to get it hung up in my sewing room. 

It’s Wednesday, which means I need to clean the floors. However, it’s mud season so I feel like I’m losing the battle. 

Enjoy today

1 comment:

  1. The feather looks great. I like all the colours. Do you have a wall picked out where this amazing piece of paper pieced art is going to be displayed? It's currently snowing here, so mud season has been delayed for a while.
