Thursday, March 19, 2020

March 19th Production Update

I love the idea of blogging to stay in touch with each other during our practice of social distancing. Here is my daily check in. 

1.  Finished the martial arts quilt. 

2.  Complete one more square for last years quilt along. 

3.  Started another. I had to cut this one out and perforate the lines to sew on. There are 27 pieces to make the ‘c’. It has taken me a while. 

4.  I walked the dog twice today. Shovelled the driveway and sidewalk. Did a load of laundry. Made supper. You know, the normal things. I felt like a rebel taking the dog out to the field to walk. 

5. Stood outside like a crazy person at 7:30 pm to salute the health care workers. I’m sure my neighbors are going to have me committed one of these days. 

6.  Realized Disney has a lot of secrets 

7. Discovered that Bill Gates predicted this in 2015. 

It has been a long day!! Until tomorrow... 

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