Thursday, March 19, 2020

Pandemic productivity

Good afternoon ladies,
  In an attempt to prevent extreme cabin fever and isolation I propose we amp up the blogging.  As creators we know that creating helps us feel better mentally and sharing that creativity with like minded people makes us happy and appreciated. So let's share what we're doing, doesn't have to be a finished product, just whatever we happen to be working on.  I'm going to share a pre- pandemic post of the baby quilts of 2020. You'll have to stay tuned to see what happens.... Also, I may have bought a bit of fabric ( it was on sale) that I will share.  Stay sane, stay safe.


  1. Love it!! This is a great plan!

  2. I don't have any projects right now, so it will be challenging. It might be puzzles for me.

  3. You don’t have any projects! Is that really possible?!?!? I don’t think I’ve ever been in that predicament before!

  4. Puzzles are a whole special skill set that I really don't have . What about mindful adult colouring? I have some books and there is lots online to print off.
