Friday, March 20, 2020

Potential Pandemic Project for The Crafter

I'm full of nervous energy today so I'm bopping around and finishing nothing ( except coffee), and I remembered an idea I had that I wanted to ask the Crafter about.  I was wondering if I could commission you to make these ornaments for me. You know that every year for Christmas Eve I make ornaments for my family and my Aunty Wendy would make a big deal about it and put them at the front of her tree.  Now that she's passed, I want to make an ornament to honour her for 2020.  I was thinking something like this picture I found.
What do you think? Would you want to make some version of this?


  1. Sure that wouldn't be to hard. I will check my supplies for you. Just let me know how big you want them.

  2. I would guess about 3 or 4 inches across. I don't have a hard/fast opinion on size, making sure it would be big enough for the word would be key. I would need about five ideally. They could be a light pink as well, if you didn't have enough white and any type of sequin or embellishment that would look pretty. Thanks a bunch.
