Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Accentuate the positive

Hi ladies,
   So this is the top I was starting when my Pfaff decided to have issues.  I had already cut the whole thing out so I sorta lost my mind a bit when Pfaff wouldn't cooperate. I downloaded a manual for my mom's primitive Brother machine I had and it wouldn't cooperate either. This led to me crying in the basement mixed with high anxiety and rage, not a great combo. Eventually I got some suggestions from Cor, fiddled a lot and got it working.  It's supposed to be a baby quilt but I think if I could get motivated to add a couple rows it could be a throw.  Just need to find that motivation.


  1. It’s frustrating when the machines don’t work. I had an episode of turn the machine on, turn it off, re-thread, re-thread again, turn it off, turn it on, re-thread.
