So here's the start of this list.
Things to finish:
1. The strings- maybe about 8 blocks to go, then border...
2. Lesbian love- needs binding-by summer
3. Madilyn's quilt- the one I started at your place- by September
4. Granny Square baby quilt
1. Three Baby boy quilts- in expectation of my god-siblings all expecting in July
2. Tenille's Wedding quilt- have no idea what to do? for July
Things I Want to Make:
1. Irish Chain:
2. Something with my 1930's fabric
3. Meandering Path:
4. Strawberry Marmalade: I think this could use up some scraps.
Next Post: Groups of Fabric that I need to use:
I like your list!! Can't wait to see the groups of fabrics you need to use!!!