Saturday, September 23, 2017

Wall decoration

I have completed something for myself.
Three months later it is finally done

This was the kit to start with.

This is the finished project.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Monday, April 10, 2017

Another project complete - stocking

This one didn't take as long as the last one.

This is what the kit looked like along with all the thread,sequins and beads needed.

This is a pic of the largest part of the stocking complete.

This is the completed stocking.

Monday, March 20, 2017

A painting challenge

A friend of my parents asked if I would like to try to paint on a old milk can. This was something that I had not done before. I took on the challenge and here it is.

I decided to use an oval shape to put the picture in and I used Rust-Oleum paint as my base.

I then used carbon paper underneath the picture to trace the design onto the can.

This is the partially finished can.

 This is the finished can.

I sent it home with my parents and haven't heard what she thinks of it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Projects and more projects

So many projects, it should keep me busy for awhile.

Another felt stocking project started.

This is a milk can that I am doing for a family friend. Eventually the picture will be painted.
This is the first step completed during the nice days when I could have my windows open in my apartment.

This will be a wall hanging that will probably worked on last, because it is not needed until next winter.

This Zenbrodiery project will be done whenever.

Another Christmas project that was got now because of sales, so lots of time to finish it.

This project I would like to be done for Spring. It is a pretty detailed paint by number.